Elevation for art stone ornamentation in living room, study music room, and hall. Text: (Smaller Posts–) L.R.– Study and Music Room and Hall / Side only ornamented Face plain / Se[nt] [1]5 [Wright's initials]
Sections and plans for details of owner's room and child's room. Text: Foundation Plan / Concrete Footings & Brick Work / Residence A. Barnsdall. Hollywood Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect Details [Schindler's mark] Own Room Child's Room Scale 3/4"…
Foundation plan and sections illustrating concrete footings and brickwork. Text: Residence A Barnsdall Hollywood Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect Scale 1/8 – 1'-0" May-6-1920
Elevations for west facade, east facade, south facade, and the east end of the patio (including sections through the north and south wings of Hollyhock House). Text: Residence A. Barnsdall. Hollywood Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect OK Revised […
First floor plan for Hollyhock House, pet pergola, and spring house. 01.1920.33.1 is a later print of this plan, revised in September 1920. Text: Residence A. Barnsdall. Hollywood Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect OK Revised Aug. 16th, 1920 [Wright…
First floor plan for Hollyhock House, pet pergola, and spring house. Revised print of 01.1920.3. Text: Residence A. Barnsdall, Hollywood, Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect Revised Sept [ ] 1920 OK Revised Aug. 16th 1920. Scale [1/8 = 1-0" First…
Second floor plan with basement plan and second floor roof plan. Text: Residence A. Barnsdall Hollywood Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright Architect OK Revised Aug. [ ] 1920 [Wright's initials] Second Floor Plan Scale: '8" = 1-0" Revised [Aug.] 20 1920 Sheet…
Elevations, sections, and plans for garage and pet pergola, including north, south, east, and west elevations, east-west and north-south sections, and plans for the main floor, basement, and roof. Text: Residence A. Barnsdall. Hollywood. Cal. Frank…
Sections and plans for details of living room, including the fireplace, skylight, ceiling, leaded glass [art glass], flower boxes, and art stone. Text: Residence A. Barnsdall. Hollywood Cal. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect Details Living Room Scale 3/4…